Message From the Principal
I welcome you all to the wonderful space that we fondly call DPS Bangalore North.
What is it about DPS Bangalore North that makes it a school of repute at National and International levels?
Our USP, Vision and Mission statements spell and shout out DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). For our outstanding work in the field of Inclusive Education, the Government of India, MOE recognized our efforts with a National Award.
DPSBN is a true practitioner of the Universal Design in all aspects of schooling from Infrastructure to UDL (Curriculum, Pedagogy and assessment). Our Mantra has been to ensure a value based system comprising of kindness, compassion empathy, integrity and ethics.
The School Website showcases all the areas that DPSBN possesses and works with namely-Incredible infrastructure, phenomenal green spaces, sports, yoga, music and dance, 21st Century Skill development programmes, Global connections and many more activities.
DPSBN promises to provide an exhilarating seamless learning environment balancing academic success with wellbeing. Such a nurturing environment, influences learners and develops them to become future ready global citizens, who in turn play an active role in their community and collaborate with others to make this world peaceful, sustainable and equitable.
We believe that DPS BN is a Happy School where all stakeholders are Lifelong learners. Into this magical space called HOME, we welcome you once again.
Warm regards
Manju Balasubramanyam
Principal, DPSBN